Privatklinik für Kosmetische und Plastische Chirurgie
Königsallee 60C
40212 Düsseldorf
Uganda, a country in the eastern centre of Africa…
Population of 31.367.972 …
The average age is a meagre 15 years.
No more than 0.08 % of the GDP are invested for child education. (In comparison: in Germany its approx. 4.8%)
In Germany we have 3.73 doctors for 1000 inhabitants.
In Uganda it's a bare 0.05 doctors / medical personnel for 1000 inhabitants.
It is therefore obvious, that something fundamental must be done.
That is why we have made the decision to support the "Salem Nurse Training School" in Uganda.
It's a training school exclusively for females who can work as nurses, midwives and health workers after their successful graduation after 2 ½ years of training.
Olive is 20 years old and started her training in the Salem Nurse Training School mid-2011. After her father died a short time later, the family could no longer afford the high school fees, which meant that Olive could no longer attend classes.
The KÖ-Klinik GmbH now takes care of the education / the stay in the student residential home for the student Olive.
We would like to give back something of what we take for granted by now.
The gratitude of the school management, the family and, of course, Olive herself confirms that our contribution is the right thing to do.
We were made aware of this project through a TV report, where the organisation „Lebenszeichen Afrika e.V.“ from Düsseldorf presented itself and left a lasting impression.
Do you have questions regarding this project or would you like to participate / donate?
Please do not hesitate to contact us in this matter and we are pleased about your interest.
You can also contact our staff member Kim Heupel directly.