Privatklinik für Kosmetische und Plastische Chirurgie
Königsallee 60C
40212 Düsseldorf
"THE SWAN - Endlich schön!" by ProSieben was very popuar among the viewers. In eight episodes on the topic of beauty the candidates worked hard on themselves in order to get closer to their ideal appearance. The 16 women suffering from their appearance were parted from their families and friends for three months. Beauty operations and daily training required strict discipline in order to fulfil their great dream of the new ‘them’. In the finals, the woman is elected ‘the swan’ who has done the most and the most positive for her permanent change. The series is presented by Verona Pooth, former Feldbusch, who supports the women while they take a look at the mirror again after months of hard work on themselves.
The candidates are supported by the best teams of the world - consting of medical professionals, fitness trainers, nutrition advisers and psychologists. As an expert on beauty surgery, the renowned team of physicians of the KÖ-KLINIK fulfils the participants’ wish for change. According to ProSieben, ‘the KÖ-KLINIK in Düsseldorf counts among the first addresses for plastic aesthetic operations on an international level.’