Privatklinik für Kosmetische und Plastische Chirurgie
Königsallee 60C
40212 Düsseldorf
We cannot do anything against getting older. But we can do something against the signs of ageing. These also include the wrinkle. Beside grey hair and the final loss of hair these are more or less the most significant signs which show that we do not get younger. One possibility to fight wrinkles is the facelift. Although this is only a smaller intervention, many patients would like to avoid this operational face lift. This is why KÖ-KLINIK offers a very effective alternative in the field of minimally invasive treatments which is also nearly free of side effects: the anti-wrinkle injection. At KÖ-KLINIK these include injections with Hyaluron acid, Botox®- injections, body-own fat injections as well as the mesotherapy and the vampire lifting. The treatments are not only suited for treating wrinkles in the face but also for fighting the signs of ageing in the area of the neck and the décolleté.
Hyaluron acid is a sugar compound which naturally occurs in the human body. In average each of us carries an amount of 15 grams in oneself of which about half occurs in the skin. The special characteristic of Hyaluron acid is that it binds the humidity and strengthens the connective tissue. So it softens the skin, remains it tight and free of wrinkles. However, the quantity of Hyaluron acid in the tissue decreases in the course of time. Usually this process begins at the age of 25. When we turn 60, there are usually only 10% left - compared with our original stock of Hyaluron acid. But this loss can be balanced with an anti-wrinkle injection with Hyaluron acid. This filling material, also called filler, remains for 6 to 12 months. In order to achieve a long-standing result the anti-wrinkle treatment should be repeated once or twice a year. The injection of Hyaluron acid at KÖ-KLINIK is a gentle treatment method: Our experts only use temporary filler of renowned injection producers such as Juvéderm™ or Restylane©, which means that they are decomposable by the body.
Botulinum toxin, also known as Botox®, is the most famous anti-wrinkle substance. And this is absolutely justifiable because the results of a carefully executed anti-wrinkle injection with Botox® convince: Already after 2 to 3 days after the treatment the skin feels remarkably softer and fresher. And against all prejudices, the natural facial expression will totally be preserved when dosing the substance correctly. Botox® relaxes the muscles in the face. That is why it is perfectly suited for treating wrinkles in the upper face area, such as frown lines, forehead wrinkles or crow's feet. The smoothing effect lasts about 3 to 6 months and depends on the patient. Additional effect: A Botox® injection can also be preventive against wrinkles. Despite all, a refreshing treatment is recommended once to twice a year. This depends on the texture of the skin and the depth of the wrinkles.
The big advantage of this treatment method, which is also known as lipofilling is that we use body-own injection material for the body-own fat injection. That is why side effects and allergenic reactions are very unlikely. For the body-own fat injection the experts at KÖ-KLINIK remove fat tissue from an unobtrusive are using a dull cannula. This classic liposuction can be done for example at the thigh or the tummy. Subsequently the removed tissue is prepared before it will be injected into the area to be treated. The whole process id carried out under sterile conditions. The body-own fat injection is most suited for fighting wrinkles at the lips, the eyelids, the cheeks and the chin. Beside the excellent tolerance this form of the wrinkle treatment has got another big advantage: The body does not decompose the own fat tissue so that the smoothing effect of the own-fat injection lasts up to two years.
Essentially the Mesotherapy does not belong to the classic anti-wrinkle injections as we do not use any filler. However, we treat wrinkles by using this method. When carrying out a mesotherapy at KÖ-KLINIK, we use a combination of substances which our experts always compose individually for every patient. Some of the ingredients are skin-tightening Hyaluron acid, vitamins, minerals as well as medical and homeopathic preparations. This combination is injected into the area to be treated using a micro needle. Like this, there will be a depot under the skin which gradually releases the substances. The skin gets more elastic and seems to be younger, healthier and fresher. In the face or around the neck this very gentle method can also be used as Mesolift (anti-ageing) or Mesoglow (preventive wrinkle treatment). Additionally, it is possible to use a combination of substances with little amounts of Botox®. In this case, we call the wrinkle treatment Mesobotox.
Similar to the Mesotherapy, the vampire lifting does not work with a classic filler either. Instead, we use plasma that is full of blood platelets (PRP), which is won from the autoblood of the patient. This is why this gentle and effective treatment has got this extraordinary name. For a vampire lifting the experts at KÖ-KLINIK only need a small amount of blood, usually not more than 20 millilitres. The autoblood is centrifuges, filtred and prepared. Finally there is only the PRP left (Platelet Rich Plasma) which is brought into the area to be treated by using very thin needles. This platelet rich plasma is really astonishing: It contains a big amount of growth hormones which help the vessels to regenerate and to create new connective tissue. Furthermore, the PRP stimulates the creation of new stem cells and provides an increased production of Hyaluron acid and the skin-tightening proteins collagen and elastin. Like this, the skin gets tighter and smoother. As the PRP is a body-own substance, there are nearly no side effects and allergenic reactions at the vampire lifting.
KÖ-KLINIK offers you a variety of treatment methods against wrinkles. Injections with Hyaluron acid, Botox or body-own fat are as effective against wrinkles as the Mesotherapy or the vampire lifting. Which treatment method is best for you personally can be found out together with our experts in a non-binding counselling advice. Are you interested? If so, contact us still today – either by phone or by using our contact form.
We are looking forward to you!